A Day with many issues

On the 18th, Sunday I heard a set of 3 sermons delivered by Dr. J. N. Manokaran.

The Older son in The Parable of the Lost Son

Many times we have heard sermons on how the lost son comes back home after
quiting his home after he demands the division of his fathers property. But what was going on with the Oldest Son...???

It seems that he was lost in his own home. If we see the previous parables we see that the Lost coin did not know he was lost and the Lost Sheep knew it was lost but did not know the way. so every time there was some body to search them out - a women and then the shepherd.

Why didn't the older son then ask his father if he could go and look around for his brother. He had lost the sense of UNDERSTANDING his father. He never understood how his father would have felt when his son goes out after fighting with him.Like him we also sometime fail to see what our Heavenly Father actually wants from us we are busy in our righteous activities focused on ourselves that we forget our purpose in Life.

When he comes back from the fields, we see he asks a servant about why there was so much of celebration in the house. He had lost the RELATION with this father, instead of asking his father directly we see him asking a servant, who most probably was trying to divide the family, may be for his own benefit.Instead of asking or putting our requests before God directly we expect someone else to pray for us without doing it ourself.

He couldn't RECONCILE with his brother, instead of hugging him and accepting his brother he is angry. We also see him accuse his brother of spending his money on prostitutes - isn't it a wonder where did he receive this information from...??

He couldn't REJOICE with his father or others. Are we able to rejoice when a brother of ours is blessed ? Or are we envious and start grumbling against God...Why don't i have this ??? We are asked to WEEP with those who WEEP and LAUGH with those who LAUGH. Even though in the later case the person doesn't need you.

Finally we see the father going out to meet him and trying to convince him to join him in celebration. But he also lost the capacity to REPENT of his anger. But unfortunately, it is not written but there is an indication that the older son ever came in. We don't know about what happened to him, we can only speculate.

But what can we learn, many a times we are right there - going to the church, being obedient to parents and all but are we missing the point when it comes to Fellowship with others. Do we look down upon them or we are not able to reconcile with them or accept them as they are.

Let us examine our lives and see that we don't behave like the older son.


Atul bhai!! very good man!! keep the good work going. you can definitely make a difference. God bless!

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