Faith has always been the mark of a disciple of Jesus. The early disciples were known as Believers. Faith is the total dependence on God. When Adam sinned he steppd out of God-dependence to in-dependence (unbelief). Therefore God puts high priority on faith. Faith is how we are able to get back into a relationship with God (God-dependence – faith ). Faith advances you beyond your five senses – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, releases us from our limited capabilities. In faith we move from inability to His – ability. This is the walk of faith we are all called to. Mat 17:20 - He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” What is Faith ? Faith is an obedient action in response to what God has said. True faith is expressed in Obedience Action Hearing Go...
We have many identities. People at workplace, friends, family all of them. But what is our true identity ? We hear many lifestyle gurus tell us that we need to be ourselves. So what is this identity we need to know? 2 Kings 5 mentions a time in Israel where they were invaded by the Aram. They probably killed all the males fit for fighting and all the married women, it is mentioned that they took prisoners young girls and boys to work in the houses of the Aram elite. So this is a girl who ends up at the house of the very house of the commander of the forces who turned her world upside down. A twist of destiny, she discovers that Naaman suffers from Leprosy – how will we react to such a situation – maybe do a small dance rejoicing in the fact that our enemy has some divine wrath and say that finally someone received that he/she deserves. What about this girl ? Naaman's wife gave her a new identity – 'a servant girl' from being 'papa's loved pet' – it would have be...
Kali Charan Banerjee, Krishna Mohan Banerjee Amrit Kaur, Harendra Coomar Mookerjee, Pandita Ramabai, S. K. Rudra, "Utkal Gourav" Madhusudan Das, J.C Kumarappa, Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, George Joseph, Joachim & Violet Alva, A.J John, Joseph Baptista, Lambert Mascarenhas Tharevtundiyilh Titus. Paul Ramasamy Accamma Cherian M.V.Kamath, an RSS ideologue and a regular columnist in the RSS weekly the Organiser is a person with little sympathy for Christians. Yet in his autobiography he acknowledges that several Christians took part in the freedom movement and mentions the names of Cyprian Alvares, Joachim Alva, Marcel A. M. D’Souza as Christian freedom fighters. He says: “It is necessary to state that many Roman Catholics I personally know of were very much in the freedom movement and national mainstream”. Madhusudan Das (1848-1934, popularly referred as "Utkal Gaurav" meaning Pride Of Odisha ), a well-known leader from the Christian community in O...