Reflection on the 100 Days of AI Journey

 Obstacles Faced

  • Learning the intricacies of NoCode AI tools without prior experience.
  • Managing time to consistently engage with the challenge daily.
  • Dealing with technical glitches and tool limitations.

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Utilized tutorials and resources provided in the email for guidance as well as online.
  • Scheduled specific times each day to work on the challenge, ensuring consistency.
  • Reached out to peers and mentors for advice and support.

Lessons Learned About Yourself

  • Discovered a passion for AI and technology that wasn't there before.
  • Realized the importance of perseverance and consistency.
  • Became more adaptable and open to learning new skills.

Influence on Future Endeavors

  • Intend to incorporate AI tools in future projects and workflows.
  • Will continue exploring and learning about new technologies.
  • Apply the discipline and time-management skills learned to other aspects of life.


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