
Reflections on 100-Day of AI Journey - II

  Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash What? Reflecting on my 100 Days of AI Challenge with 100SchoolsHQ, I can identify several pivotal moments that shaped my experience: During the early stages, we were introduced to a variety of tools daily. This served as a daily incentive to persist in the challenge, particularly in the beginning when learning the fundamentals of crafting a good prompt was crucial. Although I had become accustomed to prompting, I had never before attempted to prompt for images and videos, which proved to be a uniquely enlightening experience. Initially, I had modest expectations for NoCode, but this journey has shifted my perspective and piqued my interest in their application. The missions—GeneralistWorld, Permissionless Mindset, Progress Tracker—were revelatory, enabling me to apply many of the skills I had developed in the early days. Additionally, significant time was allocated to discovering one's personality and skills. Entrepreneurial and design thinking w

Reflection on the 100 Days of AI Journey

 Obstacles Faced Learning the intricacies of NoCode AI tools without prior experience. Managing time to consistently engage with the challenge daily. Dealing with technical glitches and tool limitations. Overcoming Obstacles Utilized tutorials and resources provided in the email for guidance as well as online. Scheduled specific times each day to work on the challenge, ensuring consistency. Reached out to peers and mentors for advice and support. Lessons Learned About Yourself Discovered a passion for AI and technology that wasn't there before. Realized the importance of perseverance and consistency. Became more adaptable and open to learning new skills. Influence on Future Endeavors Intend to incorporate AI tools in future projects and workflows. Will continue exploring and learning about new technologies. Apply the discipline and time-management skills learned to other aspects of life.

A Permissionless Mindset: Embracing Innovation and Challenging the Status Quo

Fundamental Principles of a Permissionless Mindset A permissionless mindset is a philosophy that encourages individuals and organizations to take initiative, experiment, and innovate without fear of failure or judgment. It is characterized by: Autonomy: Individuals and teams are empowered to make decisions and take actions without seeking constant approval from higher-ups. Risk-taking: There is a willingness to embrace uncertainty and explore new possibilities, even if it means facing potential setbacks. Innovation: A focus on creativity, experimentation, and continuous improvement. Agility: The ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and seize opportunities. Resilience: The capacity to bounce back from failures and learn from mistakes. Notable Examples of Permissionless Mindsets Elon Musk: Known for his ambitious projects, such as SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink, Musk often challenges conventional wisdom and pushes boundaries. Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple was ren

Finding Faith in a Filtered World

This was shared during one of the EGF Bible Studies.

Influence of Media and Building Digital Shields

  Spoke on the Influence of Media and Building Digital Shields in the Discipleship Training Camp, in Bhubaneswar on 26/03/2024.

New Year Resolutions

So, what sort of New Year’s resolution should a Christian make?  Here are some suggestions:  Pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) regarding what resolutions, if any, He would have you make;  Pray for wisdom as to how to fulfil the goals God gives you;  Rely on God’s strength to help you;  Find an accountability partner who will help you and encourage you;  Don’t become discouraged with occasional failures; instead, allow them to motivate you further; Don’t become proud or vain; give God glory.  Psalm 37:5-6 says, “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” From -  Question of the Week |  


Kali Charan Banerjee,  Krishna Mohan Banerjee Amrit Kaur,  Harendra Coomar Mookerjee,  Pandita Ramabai,  S. K. Rudra,  "Utkal Gourav" Madhusudan Das, J.C Kumarappa, Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, George Joseph, Joachim & Violet Alva,  A.J John, Joseph Baptista, Lambert Mascarenhas Tharevtundiyilh Titus.  Paul Ramasamy Accamma Cherian M.V.Kamath, an RSS ideologue and a regular columnist in the RSS weekly the Organiser is a person with little sympathy for Christians. Yet in his autobiography he acknowledges that several Christians took part in the freedom movement and mentions the names of Cyprian Alvares, Joachim Alva, Marcel A. M. D’Souza as Christian freedom fighters. He says: “It is necessary to state that many Roman Catholics I personally know of were very much in the freedom movement and national mainstream”. Madhusudan Das (1848-1934, popularly referred as "Utkal Gaurav" meaning Pride Of Odisha ), a well-known leader from the Christian community in Odisha. The gre